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BOXA Anthony Mundine – Jaw-Saver Leather Headgear


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  • Front bar for jaw & nose protection
  • Durable inner foam padding
  • Strong inner padding
  • Quality leather construction
  • Wide gap for proper vision
  • Full face protection

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Whether you’re an amateur or recreational boxer, your head will always be protected when you’re wearing a headguard that’s made to withstand punches from professional boxers. Made from leather this head guard can take some of the heaviest impacts that get thrown at it, while staying clean & fresh in the process. With a large enough gap for the wearer to be able to see things in their normal peripheral vision, you can train with no limitations. With a front bar covering your jaw & nose, you can keep on fighting with no worries about bleeding.

With this headguard you will always go in pretty and come out pretty.